➢ Biography
Professor Zhihua Wang is the New Century Excellent Talents in University of the Ministry of Education, the Top Young Talents of Shanxi Province, the Academic Technology Leader of Shanxi Province, and the Distinguished Professor of “Young Scholars of Shanxi Province”. He is also a member of the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, and Deputy Leader of the Plasticity Subsidiary Panels. He is also a member of the academic committee of the Key Laboratory of Impact and Safety Engineering, Ministry of Education and a member of Composites Work Party of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. Professor Wang has published more than 100 papers in influential journals in the fields of mechanics, materials, physics and engineering. The total citations of his published works of Google Scholar is 2453, with H-factor of 25.
➢ Employment
06/2011-present: Professor, Taiyuan University of Technology, China
06/2008-06/2011: Associate Professor, Taiyuan University of Technology, China
07/2006-6/2008: Lecturer, Taiyuan University of Technology, China
➢ Education
09/2003-06/2008: Ph.D. in Solid Mechanics, Taiyuan University of Technology, China
09/2000-07/2003: M.Eng. in Solid Mechanics, Taiyuan University of Technology, China
09/1995-07/2000: B.Eng. in Mechanics, Taiyuan University of Technology, China
➢ Selected Publications
1. Zhihua Wang, Feng Zhu, Longmao Zhao, Dynamic Behavior and Application of Sandwich Structures with Cellular Metal Cores, The Publishing House of Ordnance Industry, 2010. (In Chinese)
2. Fenghuan Sha, Zhihua Wang, Dynamic Buckling Theory of cylindrical shells and its application, China Architecture & Building Press, 2007. (In Chinese)
Research Articles
1. TW Zhang, SG Ma, D Zhao, YC Wu, Y Zhang, ZH Wang, JW Qiao, Simultaneous enhancement of strength and ductility in a NiCoCrFe high-entropy alloy upon dynamic tension: Micromechanism and constitutive modeling, International Journal of Plasticity, 124 (2020) 226-246.
2. Shiqiang Li, Boli Yu, Dora Karagiozova, Zhifang Liu, Guoxing Lu, Zhihua Wang, Experimental, numerical, and theoretical studies of the response of short cylindrical stainless teel tubes under lateral air blast loading, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 124 (2019) 48-60.
3. J Zhang, W Chen, H Hao, ZH Wang, XF Shu, Performance of concrete targets mixed with coarse aggregates against rigid projectile impact, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 141 (2020) 103565.
4. Shiqiang Li, Xin Li, Zhihua Wang, Guiying Wu, Guoxing Lu, Longmao Zhao, Finite element analysis of sandwich panels with stepwise graded aluminum honeycomb cores under blast loading, Composites Part A, 80(2016) 1-12.
5. Zhihua Wang, Guoxing Lu, Feng Zhu, Longmao Zhao, Load-carrying capacity of circular sandwich plates at large deflection, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 143 (2017) 04017057.
➢ Research Interests
Impact dynamics, mechanical behavior of advanced materials and structures
➢ Research Supervision
PhD and Master Students
➢ Contact
E-mail: wangzh@tyut.edu.cn